Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Almost There!!! Belgium within reach

Its almost 1am right now and I just got done with all my packing and prep. This included clearing the camera and video camera memories, etc and needless to say getting all the bike shit together and boxed up. We leave tomorrow morning for the journey of a lifetime. It's going to be sick!! Alison, my wife, had all her stuff ready by mid-day, but of course I had to get a 2 hour ride in this afternoon and then tear down the bike, get it packed. I was busting balls on G Keller last week about all the stuff he took, only to find out all my stuff wouldn't fit (I only took half what he did). I'm like a little kid on the Christmas eve right now and can't even think about sleeping. The alarm is going off at 6am, so its time to hit the sack, at least lay down and rest. I want to be able to sleep on the plane tomorrow evening so this might not be so bad.

Peace out my Americano brothers, its off to the Motherland of Cyclocross. KC to DC to Brussels to Mol... Destination Zilvermeer. Break off some Belgie legs, I hope. My new favorite quote was found the other day on this guy's blog when I was randomly searching around.... "Eff 'em I say. I'll crush their souls and ride away on a bike made of their bones." This was written in the context of going to Worlds, so it is so fitting.. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Sweet - gotta love the cat4 guy "ripping Belgie's legs off" !

gsrich said...

You're amazing!

Kal said...

Anon- cat4 not so much. cat2 now and did rip a few belgie legs, but certainly got my ass torn. the race was sweet and finished 37th out of 50 something. Get out there next year, you'd love it.