Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Jingle Crossing and Ferris Wheel Lines Part Deux
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Bourbon and Night Time Cold Medicine
Last week we finally got our new kits so were able to don them at the Kansas State Championship. Several of the team riders had good performances like Larry, Dave, Mat, and Joe. I completely faded, after a nice start in the 1/2/3 race. The course was pretty fun, had more climbing than it looked, and a cool cobbled section. The University of Saint Mary was a new venue for cross and sits up on a hill littered with older brick buildings.
Now its rest and recovery time to get ready for Jingle cross next weekend. Jingle cross has been a tradition for the last few years, so planning to head up there after turkey day. Timmy Johnson and the Wells brothers will both be on the scene, so should be a sick weekend.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
2008 Cross Nationals Course with a Halloween Hangover
My race was lack-luster at best, the front group rolled away like a freight train and I was struggling to stay in contact with a group, any group. People came back as the usually do, so I climbed my way back into the race, well not in contention for anything just my pride. I did ride half the race with Jesse from Monkey Wrench Cycles and he was wearing a helmet cam capturing the course and he told me I'd be famous. I thought he said cyclocross tv would have it, but not sure. Maybe the mag, who knows, but I'll be looking for it. By the end of the race I'd worked out my demons and was feeling halfway normal again. I never even checked the results just rolled on home, but think I probably finished top half.
Elite Start (Jensen, Schmalz, Tilford, and the rest)
If the weather turns snowy and icy like last year, this will be one hard course with lots of hill running, nasty off-cambers, and a harrowing descent. There's lots of real estate in the park to make some mods which could flatten out some of the climbing add some longer straights.
Joe got the holeshot in the Cat4 race
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Joe the Plumber - Wall Ride
Once our plumber friend got his chamois changed, he took some vid of guys cleaning the run-up/ride-up.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Albert Clinches his first World Cup

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Smithville CX Festival - Wicked Windy
Day2 - - - 10 degrees cooler, a lot windier, and a similar course with a few reversed/rerouted sections to mix things up. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel after Day1, but I was going to take a different approach. Going for it on the start worked me over on Satuday, so I was going to play it a little slower off the start and work my way up from there. The start went well and was rolling around 5th wheel or so for the first lap. Shadd and Cameron rolled away and Shriner was sitting 3rd with me close behind. Through the whoops section, something happened with my drivetrain as I tried to pedal and it felt like I had no chain, just resistance-less spinning. Keep trying, looking down, but nothing. I jumped off right at the pits, gave it a good spin and it was back on I got rolling trying to bridge back to Shad. I run a double guard single ring, so no idea what happened there. Within the next 2 laps, my group formed. This made the race for me and really had a blast. Shad Shriner, Mark Studnicki, Bill Marshall and I settled in together and the racing started. The group swapped pulls, attacks, surges and made for a lot of fun. With 2 to go, Bill got gapped in the tree section and the pace quickened to hold it. A solid surge on the blacktop section and Studnicki was off, so it was Shad and I fighting for 3rd. Shad then got a gap that I could never close down and I ended up 4th. It was tons of fun out there today getting windburned and my legs torched. Cameron took the W on a borrowed bike, way to go. Same bike as I have and he loved the carbon.... hmmm.
Check out the cool video from mruder
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Boulevard Cup Take 3

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Capital Cup
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Windy City Cyclocross - - ChiCross Cup #3 Hawthorn Woods
Monday, September 29, 2008
Diamond BlackFan CX Challenge
The early racers dealt with a dew laden course, slick corners, and lots of encounters with the ground. This was apparent by all the grass and dirt stains on the kits as well as a few bloodied knees and elbows. As the day wore on and the course burned in, the temps climbed into the upper 80's, but felt like 100. The course wound its way through the Sar Ko Par park in Lenexa, KS and kept riders on their toes as they accelerated out of and braked into the numerous turns. Bike handling and riding smooth through the corners was key on this course. There were two sets of double barriers and a lengthy sandpit run forcing riders to dismount.
Being a glutton for punishment I've been planning on doubling up on the races during the beginning of the season. My first race of the day was the Masters and of course and I started from the back row. Not a great start as many peeps were faltering in their pedals but made a quick punch up the pavement and moved up 10 spots or so. Two laps pass by and I've moved up through the field. The next few guys were the usual Masters ringers... Hejduk, Songer, Winker, Dunsmuir, and Tige. I get up to the group and let Scott know I'm on and recover for a minute. Winkler has already rolled off the front and not gonna chase him. Songer went down in a corner, so it was time to go. I got on the front and Scott and I traded off until we popped the other two. We rolled in togther to take 2nd and 3rd. 40 minute race.
20 minutes later... 1/2/3's lining up. I lined up on the back row with Shadd and go! Much faster than the Masters and I was just trying to get up in good position and settle in. Not even halfway into the first lap Tom and Camerom got tangled up and went down right in front of me in a corner. I swung out and missed the pile up and started working my up. I'd really gotten the lines down in the first race so was able to capitalize on that and not work so hard out of all the corners. The pace was hot in that first lap and I hung in with the main group as we made our way around the course, making up a spot or two. The day had really heated up and was starting to take a toll. I was so thirsty and needed a drink bigtime. People were starting to fade back so had moved up into the top10. About 45 minutes in and my stomach was growling, crap that is not a good sign... the tank is going empty. 50 minutes and 3 laps to go and I started cracking. Then the passing started. Each time through the sand was tough and felt like 1000 degrees. Ended up in 17th place after 1 hour 12 minutes. Nearly two hours of racing and I can't wait for cooler weather.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hermann Cross Under the Lights
Scott Hupping it thru the mud
Friday, September 19, 2008
Veldrijden is Here!!
Its been awhile since I've posted and there are a million things to talk about cross-wise. I'll have to organize the mess upstairs before I start babbling randomly. MTB Done, Road Done, Cross (sly smile) Just getting Started. Preparations have been underway for months, but its Go-Time this Saturday. Still got a few items to check off the list, but generally ready. The Hermann Invitational Night race should be a blast, except for the 60+ stair climb every lap. That's gonna kick me right in the jimmy, especially with the cast of characters on the start list. No call up for me, I should have thrown in my 2006 Missouri State CX Champ credentials and I'd have gotten up to the 2nd row. Oh well Huppity Hup!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wereld Kampioenschap and Belgium
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Almost There!!! Belgium within reach
Peace out my Americano brothers, its off to the Motherland of Cyclocross. KC to DC to Brussels to Mol... Destination Zilvermeer. Break off some Belgie legs, I hope. My new favorite quote was found the other day on this guy's blog when I was randomly searching around.... "Eff 'em I say. I'll crush their souls and ride away on a bike made of their bones." This was written in the context of going to Worlds, so it is so fitting.. I love it.
Friday, January 11, 2008
T-Minus 5 days and Counting- Breathe
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Vindication by Domination - Grote Prijs

Mitch Before a Flat took him out
Nationals Update - Late & Lame
Monday, December 10, 2007
KS State Championships = Snow Cross
Line up, get the whistle from behind and it's Go Time! Nail it and get the holeshot. Lead the first lap, taking some of the sections cautiously as I didn't pre-ride the whole course. About 3/4 of the way through the first lap a guy passes, but immediately goes down cuz he took the corner too fast. He's back up and I just grab on and don't let him get too far ahead. Another guy goes by me at the start/finish area and now I'm sitting in 3rd. Not feeling too bad, but not feeling that strong either. Not sure when the next two went by but think it was about midway through the 2nd lap. Just keep going strong and now to try to reel these guys back in as I'm now in 5th.

kB got the holeshot

End of the 1st lap
Bridge up, Rest, Attack, and Repeat. Three times and now back in 2nd, but Pink Pippy Longstockings is on my tail and I can't seem to shake him. Bell lap and I'm pinning it out of every corner trying to get a comfortable gap, but he's still there. Finally nearing the finish and my fave spot on the course, a long straight away the turns left into a downhill with another immediate left, so essentially a 180 with a downhill on the turn. Each time I'd use those moto-x skills...put the leg out and let the ass end slide around and get right back on the gas. This time didn't let it swing out too wide and really stood on it and got a gap and sprinted to the finish line. I really had to work for that 2nd place. Now on to Nationals, just a few days away and nasty weather hitting hard in KC.

Snow Angel
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Boss Cross #2 - From the Banks of the Mighty Mo
I got my pit bike built up this week so was ready to finally have them both at a race. Even better I had my boy Bob there to work the pits for me. True Pro stylie, pit man Bob in the coveralls ready to handle whatever the race might throw at us. The start was pretty typical with most of the usuals lined up and ready to roll. Ready Go! and we're off. I take 2nd into the holeshot and sit on the leaders wheel for the better part of the first lap. I pull away and have a pretty good lead for the next couple laps, then come the "Kid" and he goes by but I'm attached to his wheel like a tick! We have a good gap on the rest of the field and next thing you know Chris misses a corner and I take the lead again and pull away. Another lap and I'm going over the bridge which then drops off about a foot into a downhill section... big wind and I land a little sideways on the front wheel and roll it. I stopped quickly and find the tubular rolled in a small section. I push it back on and have to make my way 3/4 of lap back around to the pit thru big mud puddles, muddy ruts, and sand sections. The kiddo gets a big gap on me and I roll into the pits and do it true "Pro" stylie with Bob holding the fresh bike and taking the old without missing a step or letting the chase get a second on me. Unbelievable!! First pit bike change and it came off perfect. Bob's my pit-man for sure at Nationals, great practice run.
The rest of the race went like this. Songer is on my wheel for at least two laps and I know he's resting up back there ready to pounce. He makes his move and I try to stay on. It doesn't happen and his gap gets to at least 100 meters. Chris aka the "Kid" flats and we go past him while he's running to the pits (a long way). Try as I might, I just can't bridge up to Songer. Damn, the "W" has contined to elude me all season and I ended up 2nd place. Things could be worse, much worse and each race I feel a little stronger and always seem to have some unexpected challenge to deal with. A tire, a crash, detour, you call it.... experience is the best teacher.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Belgium Bound
So right now its just get through the massive workload, keep training for Nationals, take a week break, Christmas, then ramp it back up for the final stretch into Worlds. It weird to even say that, but its ON! I'm going to Belgium!!